e-Teach: Improvement of teaching techniques by eye tracking in technology enhanced classrooms
Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education- Development of Innovation - action n. 2017-1-TR01-KA201-046748
The e-Teach Project aims to discover teaching techniques and methods in educational technology equipped classrooms (ETECs) in order to meet the training requirements of other teachers. e-Learning contents will be designed and developed for this purpose. The skills and methods needed for teaching lessons in ETECs will be revealed by the comparison of the eye movement behaviors between expert and novice teachers. The outputs of the project; on-line course contents will be hosted on Bilgeis MOOC platform which is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.
Three outputs that will be produced during the project are the “In-class technology interaction practices” for three different countries. Firstly, METU and DamaSistem will start data collection and analysis by using their previous experiences. After completing the data collection, the data collection and analysis knowledge will be transferred to other partners with a training activity that will be organized in İtaly. Consequently, University of Salerno, and Vilnius University will collect their data.
The proposed methods and techniques that are used by experts from different countries will be compared and a common suggestion will be proposed. The different teaching techniques that are used in different geographical regions of Europe will be determined and reported in output O4. The outputs O4 will be used for designing the e-learning contents that will allow to increase dissemination and further use. The outputs will be available to use on-line which is output O5 (e-learning contents for the in-class technology interaction practices).
Turkish National Ministry of Education as a policy maker; will both inform, Education directors, School Directors and Teachers about the project results and outputs which will result in a very high number dissemination. Turkish Teachers Academy Foundation (ORAV) as a non-profit organisation, is working for the development of teachers in Turkey, they will use the outputs of this project as the teaching material for their education programs.
Output 1 - In-class technology interaction practices in Turkey
Output 2 - In-class technology interaction practices in Italy
Output 3 - In-class technology interaction practices in Lithuania
Output 4 - Interpretation, determination and comparison of In-class technology interaction practices for different countries
Output 5 - e-Learning contents for the in-class technology interaction practices
1st Transnational Project Meeting was held on 24-25 November 2017 in Ankara, Turkey.
Here you can find the meeting agenda.
Eye Tracking Training was held on 05-06 February 2018 in Salerno, Italy.
Here you can find the training agenda.
2nd Transnational Project Meeting was held on 30 April 2018-1 May 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Here you can find the meeting agenda.
3rd Transnational Project Meeting was held on 14 September 2018 in Salerno, Italy.
Here you can find the meeting agenda.
4th Transnational Project Meeting was held on 24 May 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Here you can find the meeting agenda.
Middle East Technical University Üniversiteler, Dumlupınar Blv. No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara, TURKEY